So, Apple rolled-out their new phone thingy in Tuesday. OK, it looks great, and it has all the functions and gizmos that you'd want in a phone/PDA/music player...but...but...unless I'm missing something, none of the big cell phone companies announced that you can use this techno-toy on their networks. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!
My current Palm Treo 600 has been a good, reliable device, but it's starting to REALLY piss me off. Like today...I got two calls while I was driving up 101, and both times, I could not answer the damn phone! It's not the cell service that's bad...it's my phone that sucks. I guess I've sat on it one-too-many times, and it's now getting it's revenge.
I'd love to get my hands on the new iPhone. I obviously need a new cell phone, and my digital music player (a Sony Walkman NW-E3) was lost on a recent airplane flight. So, the thought of combining both devices into one is really attractive...but I can't wait. I'll be searching eBay for a new Treo 650 and an iPod Mini. If I can get 'em both for under $400 total, I'll probably do the deal today.